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Friday 15 August 2014


Imagine being in your local church and upon a sudden an Ebola victim comes and sits beside you. In that awkward moment do you run for your life in order not to contact the dreaded disease or do you let Jesus take the wheel? After seeing that funny picture below I couldn’t help but wonder what I’d do in that situation. Yes Ebola is on the rampage, but we know Greater is HE that is in us than the Ebola in the world.  We are seated in heavenly places far above principalities and powers; God has also said NO EVIL WILL BEFALL US NEITHER WILL ANY PLAGUE (EBOLA) COME NIGH OUR DWELLING PLACE.  So whoever you are reading this, have no fear because we bear in us(born again christians) the mark of the Lord so no evil will trouble us. Spread messages of hope, faith, God’s love and God’s might because we are more than conquerors through Christ who loves us. Ask yourself this question, can Jesus be infected with any disease? then why should I?

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